Repairs and Maintenance

Report your repair:


Through a series of images, you can select and report repairs and book appointments for the work to be carried out. The online service is available for use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Click on the link above to report a repair, or visit the Online Repairs Service page for more information.


The Monitoring Group Property is open from 8am-8pm Monday to Friday. If you need to report an emergency repair out of office hours, please call us.


Email our address which can be found on our contact page.

The Customer Service Centre staff will contact you with your job reference number and an appointment. Please remember that any e-mails sent out of hours may not be responded to immediately.

If you need to report an emergency, outside normal opening times you should contact the out of hours service.

Gas Leaks

If you smell gas, call an emergancy gas repair team.

When you report your repair please tells us:

  • The exact location of the repair e.g. inside, outside, kitchen or bathoom.
  • Your availability for appointments
  • Any information that may affect the access to your home
  • Your contact number – in case we need to contact you about your repair.


Find out more about how repairs affect your propert and block by visiting the Leaseholder Repairs page.